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New Mission, New Hope

New Mission, New Hope

A new medical mission joins to help despite challengesDespite the difficult challenges, our fourteenth medical mission has arrived in Gaza to provide necessary medical and humanitarian support and to relieve the burden on the exhausted medical staff. After the destruction of hospitals and the deterioration of health conditions, it is our responsibility to be with them and to offer a helping hand and hope to those who need it most.You can be a part of the journey of hope. Whether you are a doctor or wish to make a donation, every contribution makes a difference. ==== بعثة طبية جديدة تنضم...

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New Mission, New Hope

A new medical mission joins to help despite challengesDespite the difficult challenges, our fourteenth medical mission has arrived in Gaza to provide necessary medical and humanitarian support and to relieve the burden on the exhausted medical staff. After the destruction of hospitals and the deterioration of health conditions, it is our responsibility to be with […]

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2000 Meals to Mend Their Souls

Our brothers and sisters in the Gaza Strip continue to suffer from famine looming over them, alongside the horrors of war that have forced them to leave their homes and seek refuge in tents. Our team there has distributed 2,000 meals to shelters and hospitals in the Strip, embodying the true spirit of humanitarian work. […]

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5000 Milk Bottles Renew the Hope of Life

Children in Syria are still suffering from a severe humanitarian crisis, with many parents unable to buy milk for their infants.With love and dedication, our team prepared and distributed 5000 milk bottles to children under 12 months old, including premature babies in incubators.The distribution targeted various hospitals and health centers in the Idlib area, including […]

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Drawing a Smile Amidst the Suffering

Amid the bitterness of war that the children of Gaza endure, these moments bring some joy and hope to their little hearts. Today, our team distributed new school bags filled with supplies to alleviate the burden of war and bring happiness to their innocent hearts.Let’s remain united in supporting our children in Gaza and plant […]

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Rahma’s Water Quenches the Thirst of 30,240 Students

Our students are the builders of the future; they elevate it and uphold its stature. They are the hope of tomorrow and the generation of change for the better. Our team distributed water bottles to 30,240 middle and high school students during their exams in the Idlib area over 6 days. These students are the […]

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100 Kitchen Supply Baskets for the Displaced

As if the war was not enough to burden the worries of our people in Syria, the floods that swept through their tents during the past winter added a new chapter of suffering, causing severe damage that hindered their daily lives. In the belief of our humanitarian duty, our teams worked to distribute more than […]

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The Skill of Doctors in Complex Surgery

In critical moments, the doctors of our 13th mission managed to save the life of a patient suffering from severe bleeding in a main artery. Thanks to their courage and professionalism, they performed the operation quickly without anesthesia or sterilization, overcoming the lack of essential medical tools. Their relentless efforts and quick decisions were the […]

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Building a Better Future

Students are the building blocks of hope in this life. With this in mind, we have sent two containers filled with school supplies to the city of Mombasa in Kenya, to be distributed to the schools there.Dozens of schools need help and the provision of necessary supplies so that students can complete their studies. Hand […]

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Tents for Victims of the Shelling in Mawasi

In the aftermath of the bombardment that destroyed homes and dreams in the Muwassi Khan Younis area, our teams in Gaza swiftly mobilized, conducting a field assessment to evaluate the damage and identify urgent needs. We provided tents to shelter families who lost their homes as an immediate response to the suffering of innocent civilians. […]

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5000 Meals Light Up Hope

In the midst of these crises, hope remains an undying flame. We are committed to turning pain into hope.Today, we distributed 5000 food meals to displaced and needy people in Gaza, who live in shelters due to the war.Each meal distributed is a step towards alleviating suffering, and every moment of our time is dedicated […]

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Your Qurbani Spreads Rahma in Africa

The suffering of children in Gaza is heart-wrenching as they endure malnutrition due to the imposed war. Our team on the ground has distributed milk to children in hospitals to embody humanitarian work. Hundreds of children in Gaza are fighting death from hunger and desperately need someone to offer them support. Let us be their […]

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+2,000 Babies Nourished with Infant Formula

In refugee camps, our people in Gaza face a harrowing humanitarian catastrophe, leading to a tragic existence for families struggling daily to survive and children battling death from hunger as the world watches.Recently, our team has been working tirelessly to shed light on the situation and has managed to secure and distribute approximately 900 packages […]

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Uniting to Plant Hope in their Spirits

Seeing their innocent faces break into laughter fills our hearts with joy and motivates us to continue offering our support. Our team at the Hope Makers Center – Physical Therapy Department in Syria, diligently provides specific therapeutic exercises daily for children suffering from mobility issues or injuries. We strive to rejuvenate their spirits and bring […]

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A Small Heroine Spreads Compassion this Eid

A young girl inspired everyone with her energy and conveyed a message of empathy and kindness. This brave child joined our team in Idlib to distribute Udhiyah during the Eid to families in the Najiya camp, orphan camps, and the Quran memorization center. Her efforts brought smiles to the faces of our people and joy […]

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Mission 13th Joins the Urgent Response in the North

Our 13 medical mission arrived in northern Gaza today to begin providing urgent medical assistance to the wounded and injured. The team started working tirelessly to deliver the necessary healthcare and ensure that every injured person receives appropriate treatment as quickly as possible. ==== وصلت بعثتنا الطبية الثالثة عشر اليوم إلى شمال غزة لتباشر تقديم […]

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A Drop of Your Blood Saves Lives

Gaza continues to face a severe humanitarian and medical crisis, with hospitals struggling to secure enough blood supplies. In response, Rahma Worldwide, in collaboration with the Hashemite Charitable Organization, organized a blood donation campaign for the people of Gaza. Blood units donated by Jordanians have now reached Gaza, symbolizing the solidarity and humanity of our […]

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Rahma with 4 Mosques in Dearborn | Eid Al-Adha 2024

In Dearborn, Michigan(Detroit Area), we successfully organized a special 2024 Eid al-Adha event that brought together thousands of Muslims from various Islamic communities. This was part of our Eid initiative aimed at promoting brotherhood, love, and spreading values of solidarity and mutual support. The event was organized by the city administration in collaboration with four […]

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Your Blood Drop is Gaza’s Hope!

From the proud Jordanians to our people in Gaza!The blood donation campaign exemplifies the strong solidarity of Jordanians with humanity. This significant campaign, organized by Rahma Worldwide in collaboration with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization, saw unprecedented support in Amman.Thankfully, the blood units donated by the people of Amman have reached the hospitals in Gaza, […]

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20 Tons of Frozen Chicken for the Displaced

We always strive to alleviate the suffering of our displaced people in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, our team distributed 20 tons of frozen chicken to the displaced in Khan Younis, as well as those in UNRWA schools and shelters in Nuseirat. This initiative embodies humanitarian work, as we believe that food support is one of […]

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New Step to Serve the Palestinian

We were honored to receive Her Excellency Dr. Samah Abu Aoun, Minister of Social Development, in our Ramallah office. This visit aimed to strengthen our joint cooperation and support the organization’s efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. During the visit, we discussed our project in Palestine and explored ways to enhance cooperation […]

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Qurbani Campaign 2024 Reaches +500,000 Beneficiaries

3,960 Udhiya Embodied Compassion and Painted Smiles on the Faces of the Needy in the Harshest of Circumstances Today, Dr. Shadi Zaza, President of Rahma Worldwide, shares with you the achievements of our teams during the 2024 Eid Al-Adha campaign. We were able to deliver your trust and extend a helping hand to over half […]

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Hundreds of Lives Could be Saved in One Mission

Our heroic doctors embarked on a journey full of danger every second, leaving behind the safety of a normal life to face unimaginable hardships in fear-stricken areas devoid of any of life’s normal traces. They face a battle against illnesses and deaths, carrying hope to the these patients and defending their right to a life […]

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Days Filled with Compassion

At the European Hospital, a medical mission comprising 12 doctors from Rahma Worldwide carried out a comprehensive range of medical procedures, including surgeries, emergency care, physician education, and providing detailed explanations about medical devices to students. In the field of cosmetics, our doctors excelled by offering specialized care and precise procedures, as well as advanced […]

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500 Tents Shelter the Displaced

In Gaza, our team continues to extend a helping hand to displaced families due to the war that has worsened the humanitarian situation with shortages of food, water, and medicine. As part of the #Camp building project, our team has set up 250 out of 500 tents for those displaced, providing them comfort and renewing […]

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Grit Saves Life in Resource-Strait Gaza

Dr. Mohammed Al-Hassan from Rahma Worldwide’s delegation successfully performs a bladder tumor removal surgery on a patient suffering from severe bleeding at an Indonesian hospital in Gaza, despite the shortage of medical equipment. We express our deep gratitude to the doctors of Rahma and Gaza for their relentless efforts to save the lives of all […]

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1,200 Meals Served

Our team successfully distributed 1,200 emergency food meals to our people in Gaza, despite all difficulties. However, our need is increasing to expand the scope of assistance as the threat of famine endangers the lives of over a million people living between the bitterness of displacement and tents devoid of any signs of life. The […]

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125 Udhiyah Brighten the Hearts of 3000 Beneficiaries

During our journey through Yemen’s challenging terrain, our team successfully brought renewed hope and happiness to 3,000 people from needy and displaced families in the Al-Misrakh and Al Ma’afer Districts, overcoming the difficulties of distance and access. We managed to prepare 125 Udhiyah, believing that Eid is an opportunity to spread joy and bring happiness […]

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Rahma Doctors Quickly Respond to Save the Injured

At 10 PM today, an area in northern Gaza was heavily bombed, resulting in numerous civilian casualties. Rahma Worldwide’s doctors responded immediately, working tirelessly to treat the injured and provide essential medical care.Despite harsh conditions and immense pressure, these heroes continue their work with dedication and commitment, offering support and care to those in dire […]

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Eid Sweets for 500 Happy Faces

With enthusiasm and dedication, our team in Lebanon prepared and distributed 500 boxes of sweets during the holiday to our families and children in Akkar and Minieh. We shared the joy and brought smiles to the faces of their children. A wave of happiness and positivity accompanied our team to every area we visited, truly […]

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Spreading the Eid Joy with 500 Sweets Boxes

Our team in Lebanon initiated a project to distribute Eid sweets in Akkar and Minieh. Our goal is not just to distribute sweets, but to create an atmosphere of solidarity, so that our people and children feel loved and carry in their hearts beautiful unforgettable memories.Let’s continue together to sow happiness and hope in the […]

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Bringing Warmth in Eid Udhiya Sharing

We adorn the moments of Eid Al-Adha with the sparkle of joy and happiness. Each Udhiyah marks a turning point toward goodness and generosity.We distributed 30 Udhiyah from the heart to the heart to our families in Togo and witnessed the reflection of the most important moments of Eid and joy in the eyes of […]

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Creating the Eid Joy for 108 Orphans

By collaborating together and believing in the spirit of giving, we were able to purchase and distribute Eid clothes as part of the Kiswa Eid Al-Adha campaign for 108 orphans in the Aden, Dhale, and Taiz provinces in Yemen. This campaign has planted hope in the hearts of children and painted smiles on their faces.There […]

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1980 Qurbani to Bring Joy to the Needy

Hundreds of families in Cameroon are living in difficult humanitarian conditions, and we’re responsible for providing help and support to them.Our team there has prepared and distributed over 1980 Qurbanis to needy families, to bring them joy and happiness.

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60 Trucks of Aid for Our Needy

Rahma’s convoy breaks through the blockade, carrying hope and life for our people in northern Gaza. 60 trucks loaded with essential food supplies entered northern Gaza, driven by the dedication of Rahma Worldwide’s team, to alleviate the suffering of those in need there. ==== قطاع غزة. 60 شاحنة محمّلة بالمساعدات الغذائية الأساسية، دخَلت شمال قطاع […]

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Hope Renewed with the Arrival of Additional Support

We are pleased to announce the arrival of the second group of our Mission 12 team to Gaza. With their arrival, our Mission 12 team is complete, and we are ready to carry out our tasks fully despite the long distances we have traveled and the challenges we have faced. Nevertheless, we are always prepared […]

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Eid Udhiyah Offered with Faith

In our commitment to fulfilling your trust in the best possible manner and meeting the conditions of Qurbani, our teams in various countries, with the help of veterinarians, ensure that each meat meets the required standards, including age, health, and quality. This ensures that the distribution of Qurbani meat is done effectively, reaching those most […]

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Udhiya Distribution Reaches 450 Families

With high spirits, our team in Lebanon worked on preparing and distributing sacrificial meat to 450 families to bring happiness into their hearts.Each sacrifice carries love and mercy, and we forget the fatigue when we see the smiles on the faces of children and parents.

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12th Medical Mission Arrive to Perform Its Duties

Despite being far from their families and loved ones, the heroes of humanity left everything behind to fulfill their humanitarian duty in supporting our people. The twelfth medical mission arrived in Gaza on the third day of Eid Al-Adha.Much gratitude and appreciation to these heroes who sacrifice their own joy with their families to be […]

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Spreading Eid Cheer to 850 Displaced Families

Your contributions has reached our fellow people in Idlib, Syria.Our team carried out Qurbani on the second day of Eid Al-Adha, bringing joy to 850 displaced families in the Najiyah, Wafaa, and Khair camps in the Idlib Province.Thank you for trusting our team. With each Eid, we together embody the spirit of solidarity and support, […]

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60 Trucks Filled with Hope

We understand the immense pain and suffering our people in Gaza are enduring, and their desperate need for support. Driven by our humanitarian values, our team has sent a convoy of food aid to northern Gaza, consisting of 60 trucks loaded with hope for our war-affected people.We urge everyone to stand by them and support […]

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20 Tons of Food for the Displaced

Through a humanitarian initiative aimed at alleviating the suffering of displaced people, our team at Rahma Worldwide distributed 20 tons of frozen chicken to displaced people in Khan Younis and those in UNRWA schools and shelters at the Nuseirat area in central Gaza Strip.Let us all unite to support our fellow people in Gaza during […]

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Prioritizing Health Standards for Qurbani

We always strive to provide healthy food, especially concerning the meats, where a doctor inspects them to ensure they meet health standards. Our team in Hadramout, Yemen is working diligently to secure the necessary standards for the udhia meats before distributing them to those in need. We continue to build bridges of humanity with joy, […]

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Bringing Joy to 108 Orphans on Eid

The joy of Eid is only complete with the smiles of children and their reactions filled with happiness and joy. These moments were from the joys of last Eid when our team in Yemen bought and distributed Eid clothes to 108 orphans as part of the Eid Clothing project.Let’s create a new joy for them […]

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Celebrating Eid with New Clothes!

We all know that the celebrations of Eid usually means the joys of children with new clothes that bring smiles to their faces. Our team bought and distributed Eid clothes to children in Tripoli, Lebanon, aiming to make them happy this Eid and to comfort their hearts and minds.We are grateful to everyone who contributed […]

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We Spread Joy by Preparing Sacrifices

During these blessed days, our team in Hadramout, Yemen, is preparing Eid Al-Adha sacrifices to bring joy to the hearts of our people, readying them for distribution to those in need. We follow safety protocols to ensure the well-being of our community, offering this with love and faith in our humanitarian mission.Let’s make this Eid […]

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With Loving Hands We Prepare our Eid Udhiyah

Glimpses of Qurbani preparations in Northern Syria, getting ready for execution after the Eid prayer.You still have the opportunity to “Qurbani Share Rahma Spreads” and fill the families’ tables in Northern Syria with goodness and generosity. ==== نشارككم لمحات من تحضير الاضاحي في الشمال السوري تجهيزاً لتنفيذها عقب صلاة العيد بإذن اللهلازلتم تمتلكون الفرصة لمشاركة […]

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A Special Initiative for 32 Orphans

When we see them exhausted by the difficult circumstances they live in, we can’t help but stand by them and bring hope to their hearts.To see their beautiful smiles, our team bought and distributed Eid clothes as part of the Eid Al-Adha Clothing Campaign for 32 orphans in the Sanaa province, Yemen.Our step is not […]

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Joy for 90 Orphans

We believe in the spirit of giving during these difficult times our fellow people in Yemen are enduring, which have caused a humanitarian crisis for them.We can’t stand by as mere spectators to what is happening to them. Therefore, our team has purchased and distributed Eid clothes for 90 orphans in Marib, as part of […]

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100 Kitchen Supply Baskets

Dozens of families have been affected by the floods that swept through the tents they live in, amid the difficult humanitarian conditions our people in Syria face.As part of our humanitarian duty, our team has distributed 100 baskets containing kitchen supplies to our displaced people in the Sahl al-Rouj camps. These families are living in […]

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Bringing Happiness Through Udhiyah Meats

The joys of Eid al-Adha are incomplete without the Udhia meats, especially in these conditions that our fellow people in several countries, including Lebanon, are experiencing. With their spirits full of energy and vitality, our team has prepared Eid meats to distribute to the needy in camps spread across the country, with love and peace. […]

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We Left but Gaza’s Spirit Stayed With Us

Today, after days of dedicated work, the 11th Medical Mission team left Gaza. During this period, the mission members provided support and healthcare to our people in Gaza, overcoming challenges and difficulties. Their most significant achievement was delivering vital medical aid that was desperately needed by hospitals and health centers, which helped save lives and […]

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Complex Surgeries Performed During the 11th Medical Mission

In our eleventh medical journey, we take pride in successfully conducting a series of complex surgical operations!Our achievements:Executing precise surgical operations with high skill and professionalism.Saving the lives of patients who were in dire need of advanced medical care.Providing comprehensive healthcare and fostering hope in the hearts of patients and their families.Donate now to support […]

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We Make them Happy on Eid

Eid happiness only completes with their beautiful smiles and seeing their joyful faces. We share moments of our team in the Dhalia Governorate, Yemen, buying and distributing Eid clothes to 24 orphans as part of the previous Eid clothing campaign. We renew the joy of Eid this year, believing in the spirit of giving during […]

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Your Udhiyah Can Save Lives

Every day, we see children struggling to survive, and families searching for their daily bread. In the streets, in camps, and on social media platforms, we are haunted by scenes of their suffering, and we ask ourselves how we can help them. We are here to be of assistance to you, so that everyone can […]

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Medical Supplies Reach Gaza Since the Border Closure

Thanks to your donations, our teams in Gaza have successfully delivered 57 pallets, 3 trucks load with medical supplies to four hospitals in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. These are the first medical supplies to enter Gaza since the Rafah border crossing was closed, representing a vital lifeline for hospitals and patients there.We […]

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Donate Blood to Save Lives of the Injured!

Every drop of blood is a beacon of hope, lighting the path for each patient and granting them a new chance at life. In a noble humanitarian initiative to support and aid the injured in Gaza, the team from Rahma Worldwide donated their blood to save the lives of those wounded in the Gaza conflict. […]

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50 Food Baskets Carrying Hope

In northern Gaza, specifically in the Jabalia Camp, our humanitarian team continues to distribute food baskets to affected families. Our team has distributed 50 food baskets, striving to alleviate the burden of the war on them. We work tirelessly to bring hope and comfort to the hearts of those in need. We are committed to […]

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Eid with 46 Orphans

They lost their loved ones and lived their lives as orphans, and we have been their support because it is our duty towards them. We share moments of our team buying and distributing Eid clothes to 46 orphans in the Taiz Governorate, Yemen, to create new joy for them this Eid.These moments make us forget […]

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Setting Up 1800 Tents for the Displaced

The harsh war has forced thousands of families in Gaza to relocate to safer areas within the sector. As part of our duty to continue supporting our people, our team has started setting up 1800 tents for the displaced as part of the Camp Construction project. Our team works tirelessly to bring comfort to the […]

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50 Food Baskets to Ease the Suffering of the Affected

In light of the difficult conditions faced by the affected and displaced people in Gaza, Rahma Worldwide’s team has distributed 50 food baskets to needy families. Through these baskets, we aim to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the war and provide them with necessary support.We are working tirelessly to deliver aid that brings […]

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A Humanitarian Initiative for 38 Orphans

No Eid joy without them, and no delight except in seeing their smiles. These moments were from the past Eid happiness in the Aden Governorate, Yemen, where our team provided Eid clothes to 38 orphans as part of the Eid clothing campaign.Let’s create new joy for them this Eid despite the difficult circumstances in Yemen.Our […]

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11,000 Food Baskets for Our People

The suffering of our people in Gaza is heart-wrenching, as they face severe shortages of food, water, and medicine. Our team stepped up to help by distributing 11,000 food baskets to those in need in northern Gaza, donated by the Hashemite Commission of Jordan. We urge you to support our efforts to alleviate the hardships […]

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Preparing Eid Al-Adha Sacrifices (Udhiyah) for Our Needy

Eid Al-Adha is approaching, and our hearts are filled with compassion and love for our people in northern Lebanon. Our team has lovingly prepared the Udhiyah, ready to distribute to those in need to bring smiles to their faces during these blessed days.Each Udhiyah share will bring light and hope to the life of a […]

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Vital Equipment for Field Hospital

With every heartbeat in Gaza, hope and compassion remain a beacon of light for those seeking treatment and care. Rahma Worldwide is a key partner in providing aid and medical care. Today, we facilitated the entry of vital medical equipment to the Kuwaiti Red Crescent field hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza.By providing two operating rooms, […]

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1001 New Tents for Displaced People

To provide shelter for those displaced who have lost their homes during this arduous war, our team at Rahma Worldwide has delivered shipments of 1001 tents to northern Gaza.We are committed to continuing our efforts to support our people in Gaza and meet their basic needs to ensure a safer life. Thanks to you, we […]

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Vital Medical Supplies for Our People

With gratitude and love, our humanitarian team has received vital medical supplies provided by the Specialized Hospital in Jordan, in collaboration with our partners from Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization and in coordination with the Ministry of Development. We are striving to provide real support to the health sector in northern Gaza, made possible by your […]

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Urgent Aid for Our Affected People

To assist our people affected by the war and out of compassion for them, Rahma Worldwide has dispatched a convoy of aid from Egypt, consisting of more than 15 trucks with 500 hygiene kits and a large quantity of baby formula, heading to northern Gaza.Thanks to your compassionate hearts and generous support, we were able […]

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Heroism in the Midst of War

During a visit by the Ministry of Health’s 11th Medical Mission team to Nasser Hospital in Gaza, the team was met with a sudden influx of a large number of wounded as a result of the recent targeting of the Nuseirat refugee camp. Without any delay, the team headed directly to the emergency rooms, where […]

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Food Supplies for Our Displaced People

With determination and perseverance, our team in Gaza defies the siege that has been imposed on our people, causing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Humanitarian work is our duty, and thus our team has distributed food supplies to the displaced residents in the sector.In these difficult times, we stand together to support our people who are […]

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Food Baskets Bring Hope

Throughout the past month, we collaborated with our partners from Qatar Red Crescent and Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization and coordinated with the Palestinian Ministry of Social Development in Ramallah, and we distributed over 10,000 food baskets to affected and displaced individuals in the northern Gaza Strip, in an effort to alleviate their suffering and provide […]

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Coordination Meeting Post-Conflict

Today, the doctors of the 11th medical mission held a coordination meeting with local doctors, where they exchanged experiences and planned more effective ways to provide medical care to our fellow people in Gaza. The meeting focused on identifying essential needs and developing cooperation mechanisms to ensure the quick and efficient delivery of medical aid. […]

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11th Medical Mission Made it to Gaza

After enduring tough days and dark nights of waiting, the light of hope shines in the skies of Gaza with the arrival of the 11th mission of Rahma Worldwide. This mission is not just an ordinary humanitarian arrival; it is a testament to countless challenges and innumerable hardships. Nevertheless, the journey of the mission overcame […]

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5000 Tents to Shelter the Displaced

Our team at Rahma Worldwide delivered shipments to the Gaza Strip, including 5000 tents to provide shelter for those who have lost their homes in this difficult war.We pledge to continue our efforts to support our fellow people in Gaza and provide everything they need for a safer and more dignified life.Every contribution, no matter […]

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548 Food Baskets for the Displaced

With love, dedication, and generosity, we have partnered with our associates in Kuwait to distribute 548 food baskets to our displaced people in Gaza, who have been worn down by life.In these challenging times, we must stand together to support and be a pillar of strength for them. The war has spared nothing and left […]

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Your Generosity Brightens the Paths of Others!

Sharing food during the blessed month of Ramadan is not just a social act, but a manifestation of love and solidarity. We share with you moments during Ramadan where our team filled hearts with hope by distributing food baskets to our needy people in Somalia, drawing smiles on their faces.You can join us in bringing […]

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2630 Baskets of Hope

Amid the hunger crisis sweeping through Gaza, affecting children and women in particular, we extend bridges of giving to support our people.Therefore, 2630 relief baskets have been distributed to our people in the sector who have been displaced from their homes and are now living in camps unfit for habitation.Humanitarian work is our duty, and […]

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Building the Wall at the Al-Thulaya School

We recognize the importance of education in charting the progress of society and achieving a bright future for the coming generations. We strive to focus on developing and enhancing it by all possible means. Therefore, Rahma Worldwide has made continuous efforts to support education by building a wall for the Al-Thulaya School after purchasing the […]

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When Suffering Turns into Hope!

“The doctors are angels of compassion; thanks to them, the bullet was removed from the child,” said the grandfather about his grandson after the surgery performed by doctors in Gaza.We are proud to be part of this great humanitarian story. Our medical missions to Gaza aim to help the wounded and those in need, and […]

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Bringing Smiles to Their Faces

Born in the midst of war that directly affected them, their families have challenged life to create a future for them. The Hope Makers Center – Nutrition Department in Azaz, Syria, provides medical care for children suffering from malnutrition.We always strive to instill hope in their families and do everything we can to bring back […]

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Share Qurbani, Spread Rahma

Without you, sadness fills the faces of children, their cries of hunger suffocate them, and the harshness of poverty surrounds them. But with you, Qurbani | Udhiya are distributed, tables of goodness are spread, and smiles of hope are drawn. Thousands await you to share the blessings of the 10th of Dhul-Hujjah. #Qurbani_Share_Rahma_Spreads. ==== بدونك، […]

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Gaza Present at ICNA

Rahma Worldwide continues its efforts to bring the voices of Gaza residents to the world, to make them aware of the pain, hunger, siege, and destruction they are living through.During the events we presented on the second day of the ICNA Conference, we offered a different and new experience called Gaza VR, which simulates the […]

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A Look at Our Participation in ICNA 2024

Sharing with you today moments from the opening day of the ICNA Convention collaborated with the Muslim American Society (MAS) to present our work and vision.We are honored to attend the conference and present the work of our medical missions, which have reached nine in number, and have challenged the siege and entered the Gaza […]

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For the Children of Gaza

Imagine living a day without water. This is the reality for the children of Gaza today.Reports indicate that children in northern Gaza are dying due to drought and malnutrition, where every 6 out of 2-year-olds suffer from malnutrition. Source: United Nations.We are here today to appeal to you for help. With every passing moment, a […]

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3,000 Vegetable Baskets Amidst the War

In a world full of challenges, humanitarian work remains our compass. Therefore, we strive to reach as many needy people as possible around the world.Our team has delivered 3,000 vegetable baskets to our displaced people in Gaza, who are exhausted by the siege and war, suffering from difficult humanitarian and living conditions.In these trying times, […]

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Current Situation in Gaza

Have you ever asked yourself: What is my role in supporting our brothers and sisters in Gaza? Each of us can contribute in our own way. This was confirmed by Dr. Ahmed Abdel Aziz when he entered Gaza and saw the extent of the destruction with his own eyes. ==== هل سألت نفسك يوماً: ما […]

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Medication and Support for Cancer Patients

Our team in Syria is relieving the pains of cancer patients..With followed filled with love, our team entered the hospital in Idlib, northern Syria, expressing our warm feelings and gratitude for the patients’ ability to endure these harsh diseases.They delivered 88,800 boxes of medicine to treat cancer patients and their psychological effects to the medical […]

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Delivering 88,800 Capsules of Medicine to Patients

This is the state the ninth mission’s doctors had to leave Gaza in, so what is its condition now during the invasion, with no shelter for the people except the hospital, which no longer has the capacity to accommodate those wounded?Rahma is fully prepared to send the tenth medical mission as soon as the Rafah […]

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Vegetable Baskets Bring Hope

Seeing the pale faces of children and residents saddens the heart, and we cannot stand by as mere spectators to this tragedy. Our team in Gaza has prepared 3,000 vegetable baskets to distribute to our people who have left their homes and taken refuge in tents to escape the horrors of war.Can you imagine how […]

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Joy of Eid Mixed with the Scent of Sweets!

Is Eid complete without its sweets?Every Eid, we share the joy with our underprivileged brothers and sisters and strive to create an atmosphere of happiness that adorns their Eids.Today, we share with you special moments we witnessed during the past Eid al-Fitr from the “Eid Sweets Distribution” initiative, where we shared the Eid joy with […]

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New Meat Processing, Plant in Africa

Opening of the largest farm for Qurbani animals in Africa!Rahma Worldwide opened the largest farm for Qurbani animals in Africa, located in Kenya. This place is equipped with the latest technologies to ensure the quality and safety of the Qurbani process and distribution to those in need, while maintaining high standards of hygiene.With the approach […]

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Sanitation Campaign to Curb the Spread of Diseases

With rising temperatures, insects have begun to spread in the Syrian refugee camps in Arsal, Lebanon. Many families suffer from a lack of sanitation, in addition to a waste dump next to the tents, which contributes to the increase of insect-borne diseases.Our team in Lebanon has launched a sanitation campaign targeting the refugee camps to […]

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A New Educational Environment for Students

Every child deserves a bright educational opportunity!Thanks to the efforts of our team in Africa and our partners in Mombasa, Kenya, school supplies including desks, chairs, and educational equipment have been distributed.This step provides hundreds of children with a suitable learning environment that will help them achieve their dreamsWith your support and cooperation, we can […]

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A Major Effort for Rahma’s Team

A remarkable and inspiring experience at the Kuwaiti Hospital, on the fourth day of our ninth medical mission, in close collaboration with the Kuwait Relief Society. We witnessed exceptional performance from our doctors, with over 150 surgeries performed in just four days. We express our deep gratitude for their noble efforts and assistance to our […]

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Everyone is Invited to Participate in Gaza

Between Siege and Tragedy, Dr. Sohaib Muhammad Al-Hams, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kuwait Specialized Hospital, stands strong at the forefront of his work despite the deteriorating health situation and the collapse of the medical system. Dr. Sohaib’s call today extends to other humanitarian organizations to join these medical missions, as continuous […]

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A Gift of Education’ and Hope for Children!

Let’s create together a comfortable educational environment for students in Kenya!Our team, in collaboration with various partners, managed to provide school supplies, including desks, chairs, and educational equipment in Mombasa. This initiative is a gift of hope and a future for hundreds of children who now have the opportunity to receive a better education in […]

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Bringing Ramadan Joy to 24,085 Lives in Syria

Rahma Worldwide continues its humanitarian journey! During the blessed month of Ramadan, our team managed to bring joy and happiness to the hearts of 24,085 individuals in Aleppo and Idlib, Syria. Thanks to your continuous support, we strive to make a difference worldwide. ==== رحمة حول العالم تواصل رحلتها الإنسانية!! لقد كانت ابتسامات الأطفال وأمل […]

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Bringing Joy to 24,085 Lives in Syria

Rahma Worldwide continues its humanitarian journey! During the blessed month of Ramadan, our team managed to bring joy and happiness to the hearts of 24,085 individuals in Aleppo and Idlib, Syria.Thanks to your continuous support, we strive to make a difference worldwide.

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424 School Furniture Pieces for Education Development

Because they are the beacon of the future, and their flame never extinguishes, they are the makers of hope in this life. The 14th convoy arrived in Hadramout Governorate in Yemen, with 424 chairs and tables to be distributed to schools there. Officials from the education sector attended the inauguration of one of the schools […]

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Largest African Slaughterhouse Ready for Udhiyah 2024

Rahma Worldwide opened the largest farm for Qurbani animals in Africa, located in Kenya. This place is equipped with the latest technologies to ensure the quality and safety of the Qurbani process and distribution to those in need, while maintaining high standards of hygiene.With the approach of Eid al-Adha, we will use this place to […]

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2024 Ramadan Achievements

With generous hands and a spirit filled with giving, the #MillionBlessing campaign during Ramadan 2024 was unlike any other. We targeted one million people in 16 countries around the world, including Türkiye, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, and Kenya.Given the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in many countries, we were able to distribute more than 35,000 food baskets. […]

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