Rahma Worldwide

Udhiyah | Qurbani 2024

“ So Turn In Prayer Towards Your Lord And Sacrifice “.
( فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنۡحَرۡ )
Qu'ran | 108:2


let's make a meaningful difference in
the lives of those who are less fortunate.

1 Millions received nutritious meat
thanks to you!

Your generous donations in 2023 enabled Rahma Worldwide to distribute high-quality meat to over 1 million vulnerable individuals across 18 countries. This critical source of protein provided much-needed nourishment to families and communities in Kenya, Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, South Africa, Syria, and beyond.
At Rahma Worldwide, we prioritize quality. We ensure all meat is sourced locally and sacrificed according to Islamic tradition. This commitment not only guarantees excellence but also fosters economic development within the communities we serve.

By participating early, you play a crucial role in spreading compassion and alleviating the suffering of vulnerable individuals around the world.

Partner with Rahma WorldWide to fulfill your Udhiyah | Qurbani obligations and extend a helping hand to vulnerable communities globally. Our extensive network ensures your sacrifice reaches those who need it most, allowing families in 16 countries to experience the joy of Eid.as this is the only time many families eat meat in the entire year

What is Udhiyah | Qurbani?

During the sacred festival of Eid al-Adha, Muslims worldwide observe the cherished tradition of Udhiyah | Qurbani. This practice involves the sacrifice of a qualified livestock animal – typically a goat, sheep, or cow – that meets specific age and health requirements.
Udhiyah | Qurbani commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's (Abraham's) unwavering faith and his willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice as an act of complete submission to God's will. Ultimately, a ram was provided, demonstrating the triumph of faith and obedience.
Beyond its historical significance, Udhiyah | Qurbani embodies the spirit of social responsibility and compassion. After the animal is sacrificed, its meat is distributed to those most in need. This ensures that those most in need can celebrate Eid with dignity and emphasizes sharing blessings and nourishment.

The Significance of Udhiyah | Qurbani

Qurbani goes beyond the act of sacrifice. It embodies important Islamic values:

Submission to

By fulfilling Udhiyah | Qurbani, Muslims demonstrate their complete faith and trust in Allah's will.

Compassion and Sharing

A significant portion of the sacrificed meat is distributed to those less fortunate, promoting social responsibility and fostering a sense of community.

Remembering the Blessing

Udhiyah | Qurbani reminds us of the abundant provisions Allah grants us and encourages us to share them with others.

Family Bonding

Qurbani brings families together during prep & sharing, fostering a sense of togetherness and cooperation.

Rahma WorldWide is here to guide you through the process of offering Udhiyah | Qurbani.

Rahma has a set criterion and scoring systems in place to determine Udhiyah | Qurbani recipients. So we prioritizes the distribution of Udhiyah | Qurbani meat to the most vulnerable members of the communities we serve. This includes: 


  • Families living below the national poverty line.
  • Households where the primary caregiver is female.
  • Families with sick or elderly members
  • Young children under five years old.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers
  • People who have limited or no access to food

Through a thorough needs assessment, Rahma Worldwide ensures an objective and unbiased distribution process, reaching those most in need of this vital source of protein.

Udhiyah | Qurbani distributions will happen after the main Eid prayer (Eid al-Adha) in all our locations. This means it will occur between:


  • Start: Afternoon of the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah (the Islamic calendar month)
  • End: Sunset of the 13th day of Dhul Hijjah (in most cases)

We aim to complete distributions within three days. However, in some areas where local traditions allow, or if needed for operational reasons, Udhiyah | Qurbani may extend to a fourth day.


If you give a Udhiyah | Qurbani on any of these days, the Udhiyah | Qurbani will still be carried out in time, as  Rahma Worldwide  has already purchased the animals to be slaughtered beforehand.

This special Eid, also known as Udhiyah | Qurbani Eid, marks a time of immense joy and togetherness for Muslims around the world. It follows the completion of Hajj, a deeply spiritual pilgrimage.

The celebrations typically last 2-4 days, depending on your location. 

The Udhiyah | Qurbani (sacrifice) is carried out following the Eid prayers, which are performed in the congregation.

slamic scholars have different opinions on whether Udhiyah (Qurbani) is mandatory or highly recommended (Sunnah mu’akkadah). It’s undeniably a highly rewarded act, but for most Muslims, it isn’t obligatory.


However, the Hanafi school of thought considers it obligatory for every capable Muslim who has reached adulthood and possesses wealth exceeding their basic needs (similar to those eligible for Zakat).


Consequences of Missing Udhiyah

While not a sin, failing to perform Udhiyah when financially able means missing out on significant spiritual rewards. There’s no requirement to make up for missed sacrifices in previous years since it’s considered Sunnah and the designated time has passed.

Ensuring Exceptional Quality for Your Udhiyah | Qurbani

Exceptional Quality:At Rahma WorldWide, we understand the significance of Udhiyah | Qurbani as a beloved act of worship during the days of Tashreek. We are committed to providing the highest quality animals for your sacrifice, adhering to strict standards in:

  • Animal Health: We prioritize the health and well-being of our sacrificial animals.
  • Meat Yield: We select animals known for producing a generous amount of meat for distribution.
  • Optimal Age: Animals are chosen based on appropriate age for the best quality meat.

Sharing the Blessings with All:  Following the Islamic principle of treating others as you wish to be treated, we ensure that our beneficiaries receive the same high-quality meat you would expect for yourself. This commitment to excellence naturally reflects in our pricing.


Reaching Those in Need , Wherever They Are: Rahma WorldWide prioritizes delivering Udhiyah | Qurbani meat to the most vulnerable populations, even in remote or challenging locations.  The logistical complexities of transporting to these areas necessarily impact the cost of your Udhiyah | Qurbani. Additionally, situations of conflict or natural disaster can further elevate delivery costs.


By understanding these factors, we believe you can make an informed decision about your Udhiyah | Qurbani contribution, knowing that Rahma Worldwide is dedicated to delivering an exceptional experience that honors your sacrifice and supports those most in need.

Minimum Requirement: To fulfill the obligatory aspect of Udhiyah | Qurbani, a single share is sufficient. This can be a sheep, goat, or one-seventh of a cow, buffalo, or camel.

Offering More: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself offered multiple Udhiyah | Qurbani sacrifices, demonstrating the permissibility and potential reward of giving more than the minimum.

Please consult your local Imam/Sheikh for further information. But According to the Hanafi school of thought it is obligatory for:

  • Every sane Muslim of mature age (who has reached puberty).
  • Non-travelling persons.
  • Those who additionally own wealth which is beyond their needs, equal to (or more than) the current level of nisab (87.48 grams of gold or 612.35 grams of silver).

No, this is not necessary as long as you have made the intention that you are giving this Udhiyah | Qurbani on behalf of a certain person.

The volume of Udhiyah | Qurbani is representative by the allocations committed for each country.

For donors, the following information can help you calculate your donation:

1 Sheep or Goat = 1 Udhiyah | Qurbani

1 Cow = 7 Udhiyah | Qurbani (one Udhiyah | Qurbani equals 1/7th of the share).

While Rahma Worldwide facilitates hundreds of thousands of Udhiyah | Qurbani sacrifices globally, logistically, it’s not possible to call out each individual’s name during slaughter. However, rest assured, your intention is what truly matters. When you donate a Udhiyah | Qurbani on someone’s behalf, simply have a clear intention in your mind that this sacrifice is being offered for that specific person. This fulfills the requirement for a valid Udhiyah | Qurbani donation.

Yes, all the various expenses such as the cost of the animal, slaughter, butchering, transportation, storage, selection of the beneficiaries, and distribution are included in the price.

  • Rahma WorldWide prioritizes sourcing Udhiyah | Qurbani animals directly through our network of our field offices in each recipient country. This approach benefits the local economy and ensures freshness.
    • In situations where local livestock supply is limited due to factors like natural disasters, we take action in nearist field offices. Animals are then ethically sourced and sacrificed abroad according to Islamic guidelines. The resulting meat is then shipped to the intended beneficiaries in the affected country.

Animals chosen in a country are dependent upon:

  • The suitability of the meat to the local diet.
  • The cost of the animal.
  • The location and the availability of animals.
  • The quality of the meat.

وَالْبُدْنَ جَعَلْنَاهَا لَكُم مِّن شَعَائِرِ اللَّهِ لَكُمْ فِيهَا خَيْرٌ فَاذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهَا صَوَافَّ فَإِذَا وَجَبَتْ جُنُوبُهَا فَكُلُوا مِنْهَا وَأَطْعِمُوا الْقَانِعَ وَالْمُعْتَرَّ كَذَلِكَ سَخَّرْنَاهَا لَكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ ☪︎ لَن يَنَالَ اللَّهَ لُحُومُهَا وَلَا دِمَاؤُهَا وَلَكِن يَنَالُهُ التَّقْوَى مِنكُمْ كَذَلِكَ سَخَّرَهَا لَكُمْ لِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّهَ عَلَى  مَا هَدَاكُمْ. الحج،٣٦٣٧

We have made camels part of God’s sacred rites for you. There is much good in them for you, so invoke God’s name over them as they are lined up for sacrifice, then, when they have fallen down dead, feed yourselves and those who do not ask, as well as those who do. We have subjected them to you in this way so that you may be thankful. It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches God but your piety. He has subjected them to you in this way so that you may glorify God for having guided you. (22:36-37)


فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ. الكوثر-٢

So pray to your Lord and make your sacrifice to Him alone (108:2)