Rahma Worldwide

424 School Furniture Pieces for Education Development

Rahma Worldwide
  • May 21, 2024

Because they are the beacon of the future, and their flame never extinguishes, they are the makers of hope in this life. The 14th convoy arrived in Hadramout Governorate in Yemen, with 424 chairs and tables to be distributed to schools there. Officials from the education sector attended the inauguration of one of the schools in the governorate. With your contribution, we can launch other schools in Yemen to promote education, build a generation, and instill values in future leaders.


لأنّهم منارة المستقبل، وشعلتها التي لا تنطفأ، وصناع الأمل في هذه الحياة. وصلت القافلة 14 إلى محافظة حضرموت باليمن تحمّل 424 من كراسي وطاولات ليتم توزيعها على المدارس هناك. وحضر تدشين إحدى المدارس في المحافظة بعض المسؤولين عن قطاع التعليم.

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